Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks covers some techniques which you can use to facilitate your interactions with Anybox for Mac.

You can also find this content in the Help menu of Anybox mac app.

Table of Contents

  1. Save Documents

  2. Drag and Drop

  3. Keyboard Shortcuts

  4. Switch Quick Find Range

  5. Open in Quick Find

  6. Anydock

  7. Unveil Quick Save

  8. Preview with Popover

  9. Master Stash Box

  10. URL Schemes

1. Save Documents

  1. Drag and drop documents to the main window, the dock icon or the menu bar icon to save.

  2. Click on the menu bar icon and select the “Save Current Tab” menu item to save current URL.

  3. Use the browser extension. Chrome, FireFox, Edge, and Safari are supported.

  4. Use keyboard shortcut for Instant Send.

  5. Use “Save to Anybox” in the Share Menu.

  6. Use macOS service “Send to Anybox”.

2. Drag and Drop

  1. Drag-and-drop documents to the tags in the sidebar.

  2. When drag-and-drop documents to the tags in the sidebar, press Option to remove these documents’ original tags.

  3. Drag-and-drop documents to the trash in the sidebar.

  4. Drag-and-drop documents to the Trash icon in the Dock to delete immediately.

3. Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Use ⌘ ⏎ to show document in Finder when in the main window or Open Quickly.

  2. Use ⇧ ⌘ ⏎ to open link archive when in the main window or Open Quickly.

  3. Press ⌥ ⏎ to open document in Open Quickly.

  4. Press ⌘ + Esc to exit Quick Find, Open Quickly, Command Palette or tag popover immediately.

  5. Press ⌘ ⏎ to select current tag and exit tag popover immediately when in the main window.

4. Switch Quick Find Range

  1. Press ⌘ K to switch search range.

  2. Press ⇧ ⌘ K to switch in reverse direction.

5. Open in Quick Find

  1. Press Return to open current selected document.

  2. Press ⌘ ⏎ to show current selected document in Anybox.

  3. Press ⇧ ⌘ ⏎ to show current selected document in Finder.

  4. Click the document.

  5. Control–click the document and select in the pop-up menu.

6. Anydock

  1. Command-click icon to show in Anybox.

  2. Option-click to change link icon in Anybox.

  3. Middle-click to open link in the background. Safari is supported.

7. Unveil Quick Save

  1. Press ⇧ ⌘ T to show tags.

  2. Press ⇧ ⌘ S to star.

  3. Quick Save can automatically fill in current tab’s URL from your browser if Automation is enabled for Anybox in “Security & Privacy” → “Privacy” → “Automation”.

  4. Auto-fill are supported in Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and Vivaldi.

8. Preview with Popover

  1. Click the icon in Cards view, List view, and Quick Find to show document preview.

  2. ⌘ + click the icon in Cards view, List view, and Quick Find to show Reader.

  3. ⌥ + click the icon in Cards view, List view, and Quick Find to open Reader.html in browser.

  4. Press tab to show selected document’s preview.

  5. Press Shift + tab to show in a different position.

  6. Press ⌥ + tab to show selected document’s preview in Quick Find.

9. Master Stash Box

  1. You can drag-and-drop almost everything to Stash Box.

  2. Press Option to copy when drag-and-drop files out of Stash Box. A green plus icon should appear in the dragged item.

  3. You can select to copy an paste as plain text while pressing Option key.

10. URL Schemes

  1. URL Scheme is also recognized as link in Anybox. E.g., you can use “anybox://show?id=today” to open Today list in Anybox.

  2. Use “anybox://paste” to save clipboard content to Anybox.

  3. Use “anybox://save?text={text}” to save text to Anybox.

  4. Use “anybox://download?url={URL}” to download file in Anybox.

  5. Use “anybox://quick-find|quick-save|stash-box” to open Quick Find, Quick Save, or Stash Box.

  6. Use “anybox://save-tab?tag={tag name|tag identifier}” to save URL of your browser’s active tab.